How To Own Your Time and Live Your Life

Beta Scribbles
5 min readMay 28, 2021


Take a deep breath and look around you, appreciate the blessings that surround you today. Be grateful to God that He gave you good health among other awesome blessings that he has bestowed to you without you asking for them.

At this awesome minute, I want to tell you to own your morning and elevate your life. This statement may be unclear to you at first. Take a minute and read it again, then again, it will make little sense.

In his book, The 5 AM Club, Robin Sharma said:

Take excellent care of the front end of your day and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself.

Own your morning, elevate your life.

At first read, this statement looks like one pronounced by the magic and circus people. I mean how can your day run itself? Let me tell you how.

First of all, this statement is real and not a circus of eluding words. In this book, Robin shares a morning procedure that has been/is being/and will be beneficial to humanity in their main spheres of life: spiritual health, physical fitness, emotional balance, and even mental growth. He explained it as the behavior of waking up at 5 AM and do certain activities in a certain titrated procedure to yield maximally from the early morning sleep you would have sacrificed. I recommend you to read this book and find out more.

A simple explanation of his quotation above is that you can plan the events of your day in the early hours of your morning (preferably in a journal or sticky note, anyhoo you do) and concentrate your much valuable energies on only the listed tasks that are much important to you.

Planning your day helps you maximize the net worth of your day’s actions because you will fully concentrate on them now that your conscious is fully aware of your day’s path. With this in mind, you will not be a victim of the current world’s mega cybernetic infestation of wasting much valuable time with digital electronic devices that the world mostly misuse. Did you know that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates did not give their kids phones, while they are making millions selling them to the world? That’s a question for another time, check for the full story. Now let’s proceed with our day. Business Insider Africa magazine date 10/23/2017

For emphasis, let me repeat: Planning out your day enables you to make very good use of it. A day well spent is that which was masterly planned. And a day well wasted is that which was expected to pass-by by default and unveil its hours with the glory of your actions and the environment’s reactions towards them.

Sadly, this is the situation that the majority of our current world population lives in. People pass time like immortal brainless beings while expecting their objectives to be achieved and their stomachs to magically be full and that is impossible. Nothing works for those who do not work.

Most of the time, unplanned people complain of unsuccessful goals and explain how their lives are bad because of a million excuses that they never miss to narrate. I normally say that such people are caught by the virus of (victims of excuses) and its cure is simple, they need to make their goals more clearly understood by themselves because nothing is impossible for a willing heart and a geared mind.

Understanding your goal/purpose/objective is beneficial. It will be your drive to always keep on working towards it. Your wonderful mind will be prompted to think of a million and one ways to make this goal of yours become a reality. So raise your arse up high and keep it in motion for your soul’s purpose.

Your time is limited, so do not waste it living someone else’s life.

Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

Simply put, your life is your life, so use it to satisfy what your heart rightfully desires. Spend your time nourishing yourself and what/who you value because it is too precious to be wasted on other people who do not value it and do not let their thoughts stop you from achieving your dreams. Follow your heart more than you do your brain because your heart served you since your brain was immature. That way, you will live an amazing and satisfying life.

For optimum periodical life development, there are 4 Interior Empires (as Robin Sharma refers them to be) that when strongly founded and natured — a step at a time — yield maximum personal and professional development. They are

1. Mindset (your psychological development)
2. Heartset (your emotional foundation and development standards)
3. Healthset (your physical fitness)
4. Soulset (your spiritual belief)

To read more about these, get the book “The 5 AM Club — by Robin Sharma

I want to give you something precious and that is:

The 5 golden rules to maximize the use of your time.

You ought to AVOID or rather REMOVE disturbance if you want to use your time more productively. This includes noisy places, cyber gadgets notification influences (phone messages/calls), disturbing drums on two legs, and basically anything that will divert your attention and concentration. You know yourself best.

Try your best to avoid excuses. Stop blaming your failure on your environment. Find a way of turning your failures into achievements instead of regretting over them.

When you are trying to adapt to new and positive behaviors with the aim of improving the standards of your life, expect it to be positively challenging. All new human behaviors take time to be programmed into his brains. Erasing old programs and loading new programs ain’t easy to do to both a human body and even robots — programmers will agree to that — but once the programs download and run successfully, you will enjoy their efficiency.
Most people will find it easy to give up than try.

Bertolt Brecht, a poet, playwright, and theatre director and the author of the most famous plays include Life of Galileo, Mother Courage and Her Children and The Caucasian Chalk Circle said:

“What there is shall go to those who are good for it.”

I believe that good things in the world are abundant everywhere, but they won’t come to you until you prepare yourself for them and go out to look for them. Ask yourself how and why, you will have the answers to what your heart truly wants.

Never give up on the journey of self-fulfillment. Never give up on the struggles to achieve what you believe you want and can get. A similar concept of persistence was mentioned in her book called when two of her characters (Atlas and Lily) encourage each other to ‘It Ends With Us’ KEEP SWIMMING THROUGH LIFE: endure its tides, swim against the sharks and whales, and all the aqua-mysteries in order to arrive n the shores where palm trees produce the most beautiful breeze.

With that said, I hope that you will use this morning to elevate your life from today henceforth. I hope that you have benefitted from this article. If you want soft copies of the books mentioned in this article, feel free to send me an email, I will gladly share them with you.

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Beta Scribbles
Beta Scribbles

Written by Beta Scribbles

Reader. Published Author. Software Engineer.

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